Underaged Baking

A teenager's adventures, discoveries, and creations in baking!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

First Cake - No Recipe!

Today was a Mad Scientist sort of day in the kitchen.
I've been reading BakeWise - probably should be the new Food Science textbook.
So I took lots of notes and decided to try my hand at recipe inventing.
I attempted a basic yellow cake.
It came out alright! Pretty proud of myself, actually.
Cons, however, are that it's a bit crumbly and flat...hey, it could be worse.
I was going to make another layer, so there was a filling...
The other layer sort of broke.
So I combined the buttercream with the filling for a raspberry buttercream and piped it with Royal icing.
It's for the guy at school who has fixed my computer twice now.

MILESTONES! First cake recipe invited from my own head - scrapbook. 


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